Thursday, 19 January 2012

David Wiseman

I was reading about David Wiseman's installation of ghost trees via the Flipboard app on my phone ... and was so intrigued i did a little digging.  His work is beautiful and is obviously an artist who is rooted in his love of materials.  A real artist and craftsman.  The trees (which are made of porcelain) are an art installation in the Los Angeles library and he describes them as  “ghosts of the ancient species reclaiming the library as their branches emerge from the walls and reach 60 feet up to the skylight.”  

(Photos from NYT blog)

On his website it states :  David Wiseman captures and preserves the fleeting beauty of natural forms such as a blossoming tree, a spiderweb, or a glacier in his limited edition objects and unique commissions. He imparts this permanence through his expertise with materials and processes.
Wiseman's work is extraordinarily hands-on and labor intensive and he is constantly experimenting with and exploring new ways of working with materials such as porcelain, bronze, and glass. Wiseman's deep appreciation for the subtle textures and details present in nature make his design projects an intimate opportunity to experience these natural wonders the way he sees them.

a crazy chandelier

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